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Topics and Sections


The themes that are proposed in our meeting in Rome intend to deepen the theory of restoration and the related methodological applications, expressed in the introduction to the conference, to consolidate the criteria and methodological aspects proposed by ReUso in relation to the present needs, and above all, to the possible future orientations of our scientific sectors. We expect each topic, relating to the various types of expected contributions, to propose a broad vision aimed at favouring an interdisciplinary approach, with in-depth theoretical analysis of the topics covered. Each proposed topic offers the opportunity for reflections on innovative aspects, both as regards the developments of the digital world in the field of representation, the data management on digital platforms, the advanced diagnostics, and as regards the in-depth analysis relating to history and documentation.  We also want to pay particular attention to the techniques and technologies of materials and to the sustainability of the interventions, in order to help define a sufficiently broad framework of the reference issues.


Section 1. Historic urban centres, with attention also to minor ones: enhancement and compatible uses at the service of new social needs.

In addition to the theme of the large historical centres, further challenged by recent events, a discussion is required on intervention strategies for the revitalization of smaller centres in peripheral areas as well. In this theme find their place all the projects for the compatible recovery of the urban built and for the enhancement of minor territories. It is very important an analysis of local criticalities, difficult accessibility caused by the failure to modernize the surrounding infrastructures, geographical isolation, the unfavourable orography of the territory. Often the failure to recover the built heritage is due to natural risks or disasters, anthropogenic causes, and governance difficulties or problems. In this context, in-depth knowledge of local construction methods is considered of crucial importance for the purposes of compatible management of interventions.


Section 2. Places of worship: adjustments and adaptations, criticalities and management aspects of the heritage, including disused or abandoned.

Monasteries, abbeys, convents, and churches, in Europe and beyond, form a heritage often exposed to the risk of abandonment. In addition to the problems of conservation, criticalities due to the exploitation and expansion of mass tourism emerge strongly. Proposals for new destinations can jeopardize the integrity and usability of places without the appropriate considerations on "balanced transformations". Respect for reuse "good practices" for religious buildings must contribute to the preservation of the high value of this heritage at the local and social level.


Section 3. Cultural heritage: architectural pre-existing structures evaluated differently over time and new uses.

The interventions on the Heritage lend themselves to important reflections on the theme of the co-existence between ancient/existing buildings and new interventions. The design strategies of interventions on the built heritage are of particular interest, which aims to preserve the character of the original plant and revitalize it through a conscious contemporary intervention that combines theories of compatible reuse and good practices. The proposed case studies may involve monuments and more (buildings of civil function, historic but also modern buildings, markets, specialized buildings, schools, etc ...).


Section 4. Archaeological areas and problems relating to maintenance, use, and contemporary museum creation.

The main issues of the archaeological areas are linked to the scarce valorisation and to the policy crisis of conservation and management. The themes of documentation and research are intertwined with the themes of monitoring and scheduled maintenance, especially in outdoor archaeological areas. In addition to the protection from natural and anthropogenic risks to which they are subjected, the importance of their continuous updating and adaptation in relation to the visiting conditions that can now find interesting advantages from the use of digital technologies and virtual museum experiences emerges strongly. The contribution and new perspectives of technology on museum communication and the use of museums and archaeological parks promote the education and cultural development of society.


Section 5. The landscape and its values between history and nature, protection and development.

The issues of documentation, protection, and enhancement of the patrimonial aspects of the landscape are of great relevance, also in consideration of the serious problems due to climate change. Attention to the correct evaluation of interventions aimed at safeguarding the landscape is of fundamental importance where the hand of man, time or natural events have compromised it. In this sector too, innovation due to digital technologies can improve governance and management opportunities for these systems, both natural and artificial, which involve parks, built-up areas, paths, trails, and rural landscapes. 






School of Architecture,

Valle Giulia, Via Antonio Gramsci, 53,

00197 Roma


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