ROME 2021
the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of December
Rome, capital of Italy 150 years later
Contemporary topics
The principle of compatible use is one of the most emblematic aspects of the conservation of architectural, landscape, archaeological and historical-artistic heritage in Europe and beyond. It represents a key point for the contemporary architectural culture. The tendency to use, and sometimes abuse not only individual architectural complexes but entire urban contexts and historic centers of different sizes, has spread further in the last decades. To this end, ReUso, on the occasion of the historic 150th anniversary of the capital of Rome, wishes to highlight the convergent attention and possible actions on the heritage of the past, on Italian and international architectural and archaeological realities with different criteria and methods of intervention. In many restoration interventions, the tangible signs and the different attitudes determined by the theoretical reflections due to his history in the different declinations have been manifested.
The proposed themes wish to bring out studies and reflections in which the objective can be clarified that, through the study of the "reality of architecture between matter and image", it is possible to reach the correct understanding and implementation of the restoration intervention supported by criteria of compatible use.
The restoration provides in-depth knowledge, through architectural surveys, historical-critical analysis, and diagnostic investigations, to arrive at operational proposals with a view to preserving authentic values, without erasing the traces of the past in the various architectural, artistic, and historical expressions. The term ReUso was conceived as a synthetic expression of restoration and compatible use together, in a merging and intertwining in a continuous circularity between history, restoration, and contemporary vitality.
Since the first edition of Madrid 2013, a group of colleagues who are sensitive to some architectural achievements in progress began to reflect on the importance of the quality of interventions on individual buildings, urban centres, and the landscape by organizing the first conference that laid the foundations for the next nine meetings. Now here in Rome, we want to continue and above all to consolidate the criteria and methodological aspects proposed by ReUso in relation to present needs and above all too possible future orientations.
We cannot forget that the great Italian School of Restoration, since the post-war years with its critical restoration, albeit in its various facets, has balanced modern and contemporary actions on the architectural heritage, all over the world.